We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes. This episode was recorded 4/28/20
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes. This episode was recorded 4/26/20
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes. This episode was recorded 4/23/20
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.
We are joined by Dr. Rory Spiegel (@EMNerd_) who blogs at EMcrit and discuss why many places have switched from an “intubate early” paradigm in COVID-19 to a “try not to intubate” protocol.
— Cameron Kyle-Sidell, MD (@cameronks) April 7, 2020
More discussion on this article here Wang et al. The experience of high-flow nasal cannula in hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia in two hospitals of Chongqing, ChinaAnn Intensive Care. 2020 10(37)We discuss several articles including: Sun et al. Ann. Lower mortality of COVID-19 by early recognition and intervention: experience from Jiangsu Province. Intensive Care (2020) 10:33 Ding et al. Efficacy and safety of early prone positioning combined with HFNC or NIV in moderate to severe ARDS: a multi-center prospective cohort study. Critical Care. 24(28). 2020 Scaravilli V, Grasselli G, Castagna L, et al. Prone positioning improves oxygenation in spontaneously breathing nonintubated patients with hypoxemic acute respiratory failure: A retrospective study. J Crit Care 2015;30(6):1390–4. Check out podcast here
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.
This post builds on our prior podcast episode that was a more in-depth review of hypercoagulability in COVID-19.
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.
MMWR . 2020 Weekly. CDC. 69(15);477–481. April 17, 2020. Yancy Clyde W. JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.6548 Baggett T et al. MedRxiv Pre-print. 10.1101/2020.04.12.20059618
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.
Today we have Dr. Rory Spiegel (@EMNerd_) who blogs at EMcrit joining us to discuss risk stratification
We are bringing you near-daily updates on COVID-19. There is a firehose of information and most of us are too busy to read and digest it all. Note: If you are listening to these more than a few days in the future, please beware that information may have changed and check subsequent episodes.